First Aid Upskilling
Instructors :
Within the protocol it states: “In the event that first aid is required in the workplace it may not be possible to maintain a distance of 2 metres. Workers with a specific role in acting as first aiders should be provided with updated training on infection prevention and control principles including performance of hand hygiene and appropriate use of personal protective equipment when delivering first aid.”
• Describe how First Aid can break the COVID-19 chain of infection.
• Describe the essential elements of infection control standard precautions.
• Demonstrate hand hygiene techniques.
• List the circumstances in which hand hygiene should be performed.
• Select appropriate personal protective equipment based upon risk assessment.
• Demonstrate how to remove and dispose of PPE.
• Demonstrate respiratory hygiene, cough and sneezing etiquette.
• Outline the modifications in the provision of CPR for a patient in cardiac arrest.
• State the Health Protection Surveillance Centre’s screening case definition for COVID-19.
• Explain how the first aider can look after their own physical and mental well-being.
• Outline the care/management of a patient with suspected/confirmed COVID-19.
• Explain the term SARS NCOV2 (COVID-19). Explain how SARS NCOV2 (COVID-19) infection may spread from person to person.